Shipment packaging
We provide bags and carton boxes at competitive prices, and they are suitable for RedBox smart lockers
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Shipments Offer
Activate free shipping for your customers and ship at lower prices, get free shipments, and more!
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Invoices are issued for the merchant on monthly basis, and can be viewed and paid through the RedBox merchant's dashboard in two ways:
book | RedBox SA Online Bills

Merchant pays it in the end of each month

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book | RedBox SA Prepaid Balance

The due amount is automatically withdrawn from the balance

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Lockers dimensions
Knowing the dimensions of the doors of RedBox Lockers will help you to determine the right size of your shipments box
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RedBox map
More than 717 points in 60 cities around the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to serve you and we are getting closer every day!
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Returned shipments
Redbox returns are free of charge, unless it is Reverse pickup
Learn more about different return cases
Lockers Dimensions
book | RedBox SA Self Drop-off

Instead of waiting for the courier, you can deposit the shipments by yourself, and get a free shipment with every 10 deposits

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book | RedBox SA Request Courier

You can request a picker to pick up your ready shipments, from your merchant dashboard

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Monitor shipments
You can see your shipments status and all the updates also you can view your weekly report
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Shipments Extension
The storage days of the shipment inside the locker can be extended up to 5 days
Shipping price starts from 8 SAR to all cities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Know more about 8 SAR Offer
Excess Weight & Size

Additional charge of excess weight:

2 SAR for every additional 1 kg after the first 30 kg

Additional charge of excess size:

5.99 SAR if parcel dimensions exceeds: 47x37x30.5 cm

Click here to see Lockers Dimensions
Wallet & Credits
Instead of worrying about paying bills, you can add a balance in your wallet, and you will get free shipments and additional discounts.
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Link with Platforms
You can always connect your store with RedBox easily Whether it is on (Zid) or (Salla) platform or an independent store
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Merchant Dashboard
Here is your command platform, you can track shipments generate reports, and more.
Identity & Ad Guide
Here we help you answer your customers about: What is RedBox?